On Saturday, October 13th took place a 2-hour Carlow Town Walking Tour, as part of the Mensana Festival 2018.
That was a Historical Trail around Carlow Town for Mensana Fest, Carlow’s Mental Health Festival.
This is the 10th year of Mensana organized by the Carlow Mental Health Association (CMHA).
Carlow Mental Health Association was formed in February 2010 by volunteers to promote positive mental health. And also help connect people in Carlow to local and national support services
The annual festival promotes positive mental health. Getting out and about is important for your mental health. Moreover, the walk included some of Carlow Towns’ highlights including the Courthouse, the Liberty Tree, and Carlow Castle.
Our wonderful host Dermot Mulligan, curator at Carlow County Museum guided us through Carlow town. And shared so many interesting and fascinating historical details about our Town.
The weather wasn’t the best but that didn’t deter a great crowd from turning up.
Walking Route: Carlow County Museum, Carlow College, Carlow Courthouse, Dublin Street, Carlow Town Hall, Carlow Castle, Bridewell Lane, Deighton Hall, Potato Market, Liberty Tree, and Carlow Shopping Centre.
We ended up back at the Liberty Tree, and then enjoyed light refreshments in the Dinn Ri.
Below are my photos taken during Carlow Town Walking Tour.