St. Joseph’s Church Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow

St. Joseph’s Church Baltinglass is a majestic granite catholic church, that I went to see after visiting Baltinglass Abbey.

This church is located on the main street of Weaver’s Square, in Baltinglass Town, County Wicklow.

It amazed me that a small country town like Baltinglass was able to raise such a lavish church building. It is well worth visiting inside.

The National Inventory of Architectural Heritage describes St Joseph’s Church in Baltinglass as the detached multiple-bay single-storey Roman Catholic church, built c.1860 in Early English Gothic style to designs by John Bourke. This is a well-preserved example of a mid-19th-century church. It is a somewhat unusual choice of style for a church of the period. It adds bearing and dignity to the general area. The interior is particularly well preserved and has an impressive exposed trussed roof.

The construction of the present St Joseph’s Parish Church commenced in 1845. Then, due to the Famine of 1845 to 1847, they must suspend work for a number of years. The Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Rev. Dr. Walshe dedicated the Church on the 21st of April, 1855.

One of the most striking features of St Joseph’s Church is the magnificent main altar in the French style made of wood and carved by a local carpenter named Evans. This was erected in 1883. Masses are now celebrated on a smaller altar opposite the main central feature. The ornate ceiling and side altars also adorn the interior of this beautiful Church. The church has beautiful stained glass windows as well.

For more information visit:

Location of St. Joseph’s Church, Baltinglass:

Below are photos I took in September 2021.

Malgorzata Gajzler

My name is Malgorzata, I`m from Poland. Since 2014 I`ve lived in Carlow, County Carlow, Ireland. My passion is photography of nature, architecture, and culture events. My blog is about County Carlow and my trips to other Counties around, in Ireland.

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