Halloween at Delta Sensory Gardens

This Halloween I decided to visit Delta Sensory Gardens and see their decorations of the gardens for this particular time of the year.

Although the weather wasn`t good, I really enjoyed my visit there. It was windy and rainy but made the gardens look more spooky than sunny weather.

Each of the 16 interconnected gardens was decorated for Halloween. A lot of pumpkins, Jack O’Lanterns, witches, ghosts, zombies, and all kinds of macabre figures were put or hung throughout the gardens.

The garden I liked the most was Iris O’Brien Health and Wellness Garden full of scarecrows.

Next Circle of Life Garden with beautiful autumn colors from the trees.

Also, Stolen Child Garden was greatly spooky decorated.

And Five Senses Garden with its stunning feature the Kugal (one tonne of Indian pink marble floating on a cushion of water, on a limestone base and, a colorful blue glass surround) looked great.

Delta Sensory Gardens run annual Easter, Halloween, and Christmas events. I highly recommended going to see Magical Christmas Lights at Delta Sensory Gardens.

The gardens are a major tourist attraction in Carlow for local, national, and international visitors.


Below are photos I took on the 31st of October 2021.

Malgorzata Gajzler

My name is Malgorzata, I`m from Poland. Since 2014 I`ve lived in Carlow, County Carlow, Ireland. My passion is photography of nature, architecture, and culture events. My blog is about County Carlow and my trips to other Counties around, in Ireland.

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