Saint Patrick’s Day Parade Carlow 2018 in Carlow Town was great. Also, it was “the frostiest parade”. It was really cold, the temperature around 3 degrees Celsius, which is very low for March and Ireland. That same evening, it was snowing all over County Carlow.
The parade began as planned, at 15.30 at Old Perry’s Cash and Carry on Kennedy Street, passed through Kennedy Ave, and ended with a family day of fun at Potato Market, in the center of Carlow. It gathered a lot of participants and spectators. A large screen was also available on the Potato Market to watch the rugby match in Ireland and England.
As every year at the Carlow Parade, local schools, sports clubs, social organizations, local entrepreneurs, dance groups, associations, and communities presented themselves in their colors, there was also a group representing Poles living here (Equal Chances Polish School). Three local orchestras took part in the march: Carlow Pipe Band, Killeshin Pipe Band, and Presentation School Band. It’s hard to imagine a parade without these bands. In addition, this year’s Parade was attended by a group of about 30 athletes, coaches, and leaders of local Special Olympics Games (Grand Marshall 2018).
As special guests in the Parade were: Bavarian band – Bavarian Brass Band and Acrobats from Dublin Circus Project.
That year it was not only a walking parade, there were also platforms and antique cars that aroused great interest. Jaguars, Cadillacs, Chevrolets, Rolls Royce, Mustangs, Mercedes … from Carlow Vintage and Classic Motor Club presented on St. Patrick’s Day.
Interesting facts: The Disney platform, commemorating Carlow’s strong ties with Walt Disney (Walt Disney’s ancestors come from Carlow County), appeared for the second time at the Carlow Parade, this year it was selected and won the competition for the best platform. Platform also appeared on Ray Darcy Show on RTE 1 TV among twenty other top platforms selected from all over Ireland. Deservedly, the platform with Walt Disney received first place in the competition for the best performance at the Carlow Parade. Second place is the Bavarian band – Bavarian Brass Band. Third place went to the Involvement Center group (characters from Alice in Wonderland). All winners were selected by three independent judges on the same day. The Polish group – Equal Chances Polish School, on the other hand, received a special Community Award – sponsored by Senator Jennifer Murnane.
Below is the whole Parade in one 15-minute video!
Below are the best photos from Saint Patrick’s Day Parade Carlow 2018!