River Burren

The third largest river after River Slaney and River Barrow which flows through the County of Carlow is River Burren.

The length of the River Burren is 39 kilometers (24 miles). It flows through the center of the County of Carlow. So, it rises in the townlands of Raheenleigh, and Coolasnaghta, in the parish of Fennagh. And near the borders of Wexford. Then runs from south to north, dividing for a portion of its length the baronies of Forth and Idrone. Then, it discharges into the River Barrow, immediately below Carlow Town.

Therefore, Carlow is called the 4 lakes.

Tradition has it that the junction of the two rivers once covered such a large area of ground. That a lake was formed. Or, as some believe four lakes, hence the name Ceatharloch or City of the Four Lakes.

Burren River has its source located on the north face of Mount Leinster. Then it flows northward under the R724 (Ullard Bridge, west of Fenagh) and under the N80. It continues northward through Rathoe meeting the Aghalona River in Inchisland and turns westwards. And passing under the M9 in Moyle Big. The Burren River goes under the N80 again at Ballinacarrig Bridge. It flows through the southern part of Carlow town and passes under the railway line, R448 and R417 (Burrin Street). And then drains into the River Barrow.

What`s more, the River Burren is renowned as an angling river.

Fish species include brown trout, three-spined stickleback, nine-spined stickleback, Atlantic salmon, stone loach, common bream, roach, perch, and lamprey. Especially it is considered to be a very good brown trout fishery.

Also, Grey Herons are often seen on the riverside. Standing motionless in or near water waiting to strike at their prey.

Below are my photos were taken at Kennedy Ave in Carlow town.

Malgorzata Gajzler

My name is Malgorzata, I`m from Poland. Since 2014 I`ve lived in Carlow, County Carlow, Ireland. My passion is photography of nature, architecture, and culture events. My blog is about County Carlow and my trips to other Counties around, in Ireland.

One thought on “River Burren”

  1. I have nice pics of wild birds which are all captured along the river burren in Carlow town if you would like to ad them

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